
“其實我再去愛惜你又有何用難道這次我抱緊你未必落空” 前半段看似平平但是將一切鋪墊做得扎實岳夹得我好紧沒有瑕疵因而從中期開始那種心碎的感覺從來都沒有停下來過欲哭無淚這電影模糊了情感的界限試圖尋找友情愛情以及其他一些特殊感情之間的共通性幾段戲中戲戲中舞戲中歌尤其是默片《波多野結(jié)衣之雙調(diào)教hd》那一段值得一切溢美之詞最后如何去愛一個不愛你的人或者一個不認識你的人或者一個厭憎你的人阿莫多瓦無愧其鼎鼎大名

This is how you do meta-narrative: If all stories are make-believe, then what is important becomes not to condescendingly and cynically discern and reject the structured patterns, but to unite in a community of beliefs, and the story is thus transformed into therapy for trauma and catalyst to action. At the end of the day, Shyamalan is someone who firmly believes in the power of visual storytelling and the autonomy of stories, which makes him one of the few truly original filmmakers in Hollywood.