
透明密室 進不來也出不去的無動機意念困境 人物眾多 本身不具有太多分工鮮明的定位 人越多越嘈雜 越?jīng)]有自我的強烈意愿 在決心前需要懇求他人頷首相隨的一類羊群在一系列猶疑 互相歸罪 形色畢露的演出后 又一次毫無預警地陷入更大范圍的新囚禁圈地 全程都是神秘又可笑的局面 有點看呆 可供閑想的電影 「成人免费xxxxx视频在线」更隨心 「里番ACG工口資源站」更強硬 都好

Rewatched in 2021. Heat is the story of a clash of Titans: high performers, perfectionists & maniacs. The fact that one of them is a law-enforcer while the other specializes in high-stake heists is but a contingency, one that allows for a thrilling spectacle and a memorable showdown. The action and swelling tension are crucial, but it's much more than that: it's as if something deeply modern yet grand, far-reaching, perhaps mythical was happening before our eyes. The fleshing out of every character, main & minor alike, and the closure of their individual story highly contributes to this effect. Music also notably conveys a transcending & eerie atmosphere that haunts & immerses the viewer